Nestled 20 miles west of the world-renowned City of Chicago, Hinsdale is a slice of suburban euphoria. A tight-knit village of nearly 18,000, Hinsdale is often recognized as one of Illinois’ top places to live, ranked the #8 place to live in Illinois by (2018)). An active lifestyle offering plenty of small-town charm within arms reach of downtown Chicago (22 minutes via Metra Express Train), multiple interstate options, and two international airports (Midway International - MDW and Chicago O’Hare International-ORD). Hinsdale is home to a nationally-recognized school system and boasts numerous top-tier private education offerings. Hinsdale includes two National Register Historic Districts - including its bustling downtown. Downtown Hinsdale is home to several retail boutiques, award-winning cuisines, timeless diners, local service offerings, and many family-owned businesses. Truly the ultimate suburban hideaway…
Jack’s Hinsdale Favorites
Focused on his commitment to clients, Jack Brennan is redefining real estate from the city to the suburbs. Celebrating nearly $20 million in 2022 closed sales, Jack is setting its sights on a record 2023. Ready to make your next move — Jack is your place to start.